The collapse in the price of solar-power panels has triggered an exponential expansion of new photovoltaic plants worldwide -leading to unprecedented local overcapacities on sunny days.
Local "feed-in" rewards into our mobile mining units are of a much higher magnitude than for regular feed-in tariffs from the nets.
Because photovoltaic prices have plummeted, it has become more and more attractive for solar plants to expand and invest in additional revenue streams that ensure a more stable output during periods of low solar irradiance. This however results in massive and unprecedented local overcapacities: the perfect use-case for our endeavor.
We are accessing this low-priced electricity at its source: Even the smallest overcapacity at a decentralized transformer station (>50 KW) can be efficiently used by our units.
By nature, electricity overcapacities have been inaccessible and useless to date. Our unique concept of mobile 'energy sinks' heralds a groundbreaking paradigm shift, not only for power plant owners, but also for smart investors who will be rewarded with an unprecedented ROI.
Check out our first operating Mobile Mining Unit in Action.
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