Download Android Application

Android app can be downloaded from Web Application dashboard

Click on the Download Android Application
Installing android app

-Locate the downloaded file in your android device.

-Click on it to start the installation.

- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation

Installing Instructions

“Enable” unknown souces on android.

-Without enabling you won’t be able to install APK directly

To enable Unknown Sources go to

Settings > Security and check the boxnext to” Unknown Sources”

A dialogue box may pop-up asking you to confirm the action,

Click “OK” to confirm

Downloading APK file

If you already have the APK file downloaded on your laptop or PC then connect your Android device to the computer and copy the APK to the external/internal storage on your device.

Install APK file

Now navigate to the directory where you have copied or downloaded your APK file. Mostly, it’s stored in the “Downloads” folder on your Android device. Once in the directory, tap the APK icon and an installation dialogue box will pop-up. Hit the install button to install the APK on your Android

Activate application

After successful installation of the application Go to the “apps menu” and Click on the “IRIS Application icon”.

You will see the activation screen.

Fill the activation code to start the application.

Activation Code: 245741
After Activation

Login with the username password of your account

-You will be redirected to the following screen (dashboard).

-Click on “Enter records” and choose survey type which you want to conduct

For detailed document, Contact administrator FHTS

Enter Records:

To fill the survey forms, click on “Enter records”.

By click on this button, you will get list of all activated surveys as shown in figure

Click on survey title ,you want to fill.

Next, you will get the list of all sections available in selected survey as shown

Next, you will get the list of all sections available in selected survey as shown

-Click on the section you want to fill first

Question screen description:

On the top of the screen you will see (Question 1/20) .

This implies that in this survey there are (20) question and (1) shows that you are currently

on question number 1

This number will automatically increase according to the question

Informant Name

The response will be in text  Based on the questions, responses will be in the form of checkbox, radio buttons, date , text, number etc .

These fields will be shown as per the survey answer type

“Previous” button will bring the previous question back

“Next” button will direct you to next question .

Once the survey is done, you will get a “survey completed successfully”

Review Records –

Used to review all completed and incomplete records.

Click on the “Review Record” button

On the next screen you will get the title of all survey, total number of questions available in each survey, total number

of completed records in each survey and total number of incomplete records in each survey.

Synchronize Records:

The main purpose of this  button is to synchronize the completed records to the web application.

By clicking on this button , you will getthe list of

-Survey title

-Total number of question in each survey

-Total number of records that area ready synchronized.

-Total number of Unsynchronized records

To synchronize the record select any “survey” by clicking on “title”

Then click on the button label as “Synchronize

Records” All the records will be synchronized to web application and you will get a message.

Update Application :

It is used to get the

latest version of this application

Click on “Update Application” button.

You will get the list of instructions which define what are the new updates will be executed.

Click on “Update” button.

Now your application is updated

In the left side, you can see a menu with following options :


be redirected to the dashboard from where he can start a new survey

Survey List-

User will all new survey list is available.

Incomplete Survey-

list of incomplete surveys will be there. You can start where you left.

Complete Survey-

surveys are stored which can be sync ed -Sync all - With sync all the survey data will be synced to the server Sync only unsynced surveys

only unsync survey data will be sync ed

Update Application Log out -

helps user to logout or signout

Surveillance Dashboard Manage Users :

System admin can add, edit, activate 17 and deactivate the users who are using the system

1. View Survey Forms :

Here the user can view all the list and details of surveys that are being collected.

Survey Responses :User can view, filter and export raw data collected from the mobile application

Generate Report :can generate report for a particular period of time
Download the Android Application

The user can download the mobile application for the data collectors from here.

Manage users

List of all users who are enrolled in the system will be shown with their email ids and status of activation

( Green being active and red being inactive).

The portal provides option to

1. Register new 18 user

2. Search from the list of user by email or username

3. View, Edit , Change password ,deactivate –User can edit the profile, deactivate the profile or change password

Survey forms

Type of survey can be chosen accordingly

Government Hospital / Private hospital / individual.

Once an option is selected the system will open the survey details in a new page.

On clicking the survey, fields can be viewed

Raw data -

This screen shows the data collected in the application.

Select the columns to view and click on submit button to filter the records.

Filtered data records can also be exported as CSV file by clicking on Export records as CSV

Generate Report

User can view report of the particular reporting week or selecting between any two dates

Select the dates for which you want to view the report

Click on

Start date and End date on the form and then press Submit button

Report can be downloaded on clicking Download as csv file