Visit Mental Health America’s site for information on mental health, getting help, and taking action.
To locate mental health and addictions treatment facilities in your community, use the “Find a Provider” feature on the National Council’s website.
The mission of the National Empowerment Center is to carry a message of recovery, empowerment, hope, and healing to those diagnosed with a mental illness. The center provides information and advocacy resources.
The National Institute of Mental Health website provides prevalence statistics pertaining to mental illnesses, including data by age, gender, and race.
This commission report was released in 2003 as part of an effort to eliminate inequality for Americans with disabilities. It was tasked to “promote successful community integration for adults with a serious mental illness and children with a serious emotional disturbance.” The final report describes problems and gaps in the US mental health system and makes recommendations for improvements at the federal, state, and local levels of government, as well as private and public health care providers. A key recommendation calls for a “recovery-oriented mental health system.”
The World Health Organization website contains information on the global burden of disease in various parts of the world, including burden due to mental disorders. It gives projections into future years, when the burden of mental disorders is expected to greatly increase.
Founded in 1968, the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) promotes research, public awareness programs, public education, and training for professionals and volunteers. In addition, AAS serves as a national clearinghouse for information on suicide.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) provides information about suicide, support for survivors, prevention, research, and more. The Suicide Prevention Action Network merged with AFSP in 2009.
This site provides information and downloadable fact sheets on depressive disorders.
Visit Mental Health America’s site for information on mental health, getting help, and takingaction.
This website is sponsored by Mental Health America as part of the Campaign for America’s Mental Health. The mission of this website is to educate people about clinical depression, offer a confidential way for people to get screened for symptoms of the illness, and guide people toward appropriate professional help if necessary.
This CBT website has been evaluated in a scientific trial and found to be effective in relieving depression symptoms if people work through it systematically.60 This site teaches people to use ways of thinking that will help prevent depression.
NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support, and advocacy organization of individuals with mental disorders and their families. This website provides many resources on mental disorders, including depression, that are helpful for people who have experienced a mental illness and their families, including support groups, education, and training.
To locate mental health and addictions treatment facilities in your community, use the “Find a Provider” feature on the National Council’s website.
This US government site gives a wealth of up-to-date information on depression and suicide in the form of downloadable booklets and fact sheets.
Postpartum Support International’s (PSI’s) website receives more than 100,000 visitors a year who resource PSI for support, education, and local providers. PSI’s toll-free help line serves more than 1,000 callers a month and is staffed by a volunteer 33 team of PSI-trained responders who rapidly refer callers to appropriate local resources, including emergency services. 800-944-4PPD (4773)
Two progressive relaxation tapes can be downloaded from the website of Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. Suicide Prevention Resource Center The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has fact sheets on suicide by state and by population characteristics, as well as on many other subjects.
Live operators available 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Eastern time, refer you to local board-certified psychiatrists.
Follow the automated instructions and press the number 1. Then an operator refers you to local boardcertified psychologists.
This hotline is available 24 hours a day. Phone calls are transferred to trained counselors in more than 130 sites nationwide. This service has a new feature for veterans. When veterans, their families, or friends call this number and press 1, they can talk to a trained, caring professional in a specialized veterans call center. Calls are free and confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This feature of the hotline is a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the Department of Health and Human Services.
This is a free and confidential suicide prevention help line for gay and questioning youth that offers hope and someone to talk to 24 hours a day.
A keyword-searchable database of 1,100 national, international, model, and online self-help support groups, including many for depression. Also listed are self-help clearinghouses world-wide, research studies, information on starting face-to-face and online groups, and a registry for persons interested in starting national or international self-help groups.
On the home page of this website, click on “Find Support.” You will be able to find out if a support group is meeting in your area. These are peer-led support groups.
NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of individuals with mental disorders and their families. This website provides many resources on mental disorders, including depression, that are helpful for people who have experienced a mental illness and their families, including support groups, education, and training. On the home page, click on “Find Support.”
On the home page, click on “Find a Meeting” to find the next Recovery International meeting in your area. Recovery International, a Chicago-based self-help mental health organization, sponsors weekly group peer-led meetings in many communities, as well as telephone and Internet-based meetings. 35
This website is designed for parents and covers a wide range of mental health problems; it has a section on self-injury. Information and resources can be obtained weekdays only, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, at 410-341-4216.
S.A.F.E. Alternatives is a residential treatment program for people who engage in self-injury. The website includes information about self-injury and information about starting treatment. S.A.F.E. information line: 1-800-DON’T CUT (366-8288)
ADAA promotes the early diagnosis, treatment, and cure of anxiety disorders.
This site provides information pertaining to a variety of treatments and resources on anxiety. The site also provides questionnaires, links to treatment resources, a message board, and lists helpful publications.
The Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital has an online store providing CDs, DVDs, and books on relaxation techniques.
The E-couch website provides information about emotional problems (including depression and anxiety disorders)—what causes them, how to prevent them, and how to treat them. It also provides a set of evidence-based online interventions designed to equip the user with strategies to improve mood and emotional state, along with a workbook to track progress and record experiences.
The Freedom From Fear website provides information, screening tools, and other resources on many types of anxiety disorders.
Visit Mental Health America’s site for information on mental health, getting help, and taking action.
Visit Mental Health America’s site for information on mental health, getting help, and taking action.
The website for the National Institute of Mental Health has a wealth of information on anxiety disorders.
The Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation website includes information about obsessive-compulsive disorder, including information about effective treatments, how to find a health professional who has experience treating the disorder, and links to other websites.
Live operators, available from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Eastern time, refer you to local board-certified psychiatrists.
Follow the automated instructions and press the number 1. Then an operator refers you to local board-certified psychologists.
This searchable database contains more than 1,100 self-help and caregiver support groups, including many for anxiety disorders. Also listed are local self-help clearinghouses worldwide, research studies, information on starting face-to-face and online groups, and a registry for persons interested in starting national or international self-help groups.
On the home page, click on “Find Support.”
On the home page, click on “Find A Meeting” to find the next Recovery International meeting in your area. Recovery International, a Chicago-based self-help mental health organization, sponsors weekly group peer-led meetings across the United States, as well as telephone and Internet-based meetings.
TVisit Mental Health America’s site for information on mental health, getting help, and taking action.
NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support, and advocacy organization of individuals with mental disorders and their families. This website provides many resources on psychosis. The National Alliance on Mental Illness also offers peer support groups for families and consumers.
To locate mental health and addictions treatment facilities in your community, use the “Find a Provider” feature on the National Council’s website.
This US government site gives a wealth of up-to-date information on psychosis in the form of downloadable booklets and fact sheets.
Pendulum is a nonprofit organization providing information on bipolar disorder. The website includes book reviews, discussion forums, articles, and links to other resources.
This website provides information, support, and education to family members, caregivers, and individuals whose lives have been affected by schizophrenia.
1-888-35-PSYCH (1-888-357-7924) Live operators from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Eastern time, refer you to local board-certified psychiatrist.
On the home page, click on “ Find a Meeting” to find the next Recovery International meeting in your area. Recovery International, a Chicago-based self-help mental health organization, sponsors weekly group peer-led meetings in many communities, as well as telephone and Internet-based meetings.
Schizophrenics Anonymous is comprised of self-help groups established to support the recovery of people who experience schizophrenia. The website lists location of self-help groups.