Format Code
Format Code
Indent with a tab character
Indent with 2 spaces
Indent with 3 spaces
Indent with 4 spaces
Indent with 8 spaces
Remove all extra newlines
Allow 1 newline between tokens
Allow 2 newlines between tokens
Allow 5 newlines between tokens
Allow 10 newlines between tokens
Allow unlimited newlines between tokens
Do not wrap lines
Wrap lines near 40 characters
Wrap lines near 70 characters
Wrap lines near 80 characters
Wrap lines near 110 characters
Wrap lines near 120 characters
Wrap lines near 160 characters
Braces with control statement
Braces on own line
End braces on own line
Attempt to keep braces where they are
Keep indent level of the tag
Add one indent level
Separate indentation
End script and style with newline?
Support e4x/jsx syntax
Use comma-first list style?
Detect packers and obfuscators?
Preserve inline braces/code blocks?
Keep array indentation?
Break lines on chained methods?
Space before conditional
Unescape printable chars encoded?
Use JSLint-happy formatting tweaks?
Indent <head> and <body> sections?